We have designed our packaging so that the inner component can be removed when it is empty and replaced with a full one that has been cleaned, sterilised, refilled and kept in circulation. We ask you to please return your empty inner pod back to us for sterilisation and reuse, or if it’s had too much wear and tear, we will ensure it is recycled through Terracycle. We ask that you collect 4 empty vessels before returning them to help reduce carbon emissions.
Help us to keep our packaging in circulation by returning your empty pod back to us to be sterilised and refilled. Select your country below for step-by-step instructions on how to return your pod. If you don’t see your country listed below, please contact us at
beautycircle@emmalewisham.com so we can assist you with your return.
New Zealand
1. Purchase your refill pod here. During checkout, click the option to include a free return shipping label. Or
download and print your free shipping label from here.
2. When your refill arrives, pop your empty pods or pouches into the box. We ask that you collect four empty vessels before returning them to help reduce carbon emissions.
3. Close it back up and pop the free return shipping label on the top. Drop it to your nearest post office.
1. Purchase your refill pod here. During checkout, click the option to include a free return shipping label. OR you can download and print your free shipping label here: https://return.auspost.com.au/EMMA_LEWISHAM If you’re unable to print your free shipping label at home, this link also gives you an option to get a barcode on your phone which you can show the post office so they can print your shipping label for you. Please enter ‘BEAUTYCIRCLE’ under the order ID when filling out your details.
2. When your refill arrives, pop your empty pods or pouches into the box. We ask that you collect four empty vessels before returning them to help reduce carbon emissions.
3. Close your box back up and pop the free return shipping label on the top. Drop it to your nearest post office.
1. Purchase your refill pod here.
2. Email us with your address and we’ll provide a USPS return label to our USA warehouse.
3. When your refill arrives, pop your empty pods or pouches into the box. We ask that you collect four empty vessels before returning them to help reduce carbon emissions. Place the return shipping label on the box and drop it to your nearest post office.
1. Purchase your refill pod here.
2. When your refill arrives, pop your empty pods or pouches into the box. We ask that you collect four empty vessels before returning them to help reduce carbon emissions.
3. Address the box to “FREE POST EMMA LEWISHAM BEAUTY CIRCLE” (no paid shipping label is needed). Drop it to your nearest post office.